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Joan Brunwasser: John Robbins on "The New Good Life - Living Better Than Ever In an Age of Less" One of the reasons I wrote my latest book is to provide people with simple, easy and inexpensive suggestions on how to raise their quality of life while lowering their cost of living, and at the same time lowering their ecological footprint. Learning to live with respect for ourselves and the whole earth community is no easy task in a culture that has become as out of balance as ours has.
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Joan Brunwasser: Chatting with Uncommon Thinker and Best-Selling Author, Robert Fulghum, Part Four Well, I wish people could say that about themselves: I do what I can do as well as I can do. And that's my part. I speak for a lot of people when I say I can't fix it all. But I can still take care of my own corner. And my corner involves writing what I write and saying what I say and hoping that it's useful.

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