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For Tag "Brain"
(Top > Science-Nature > Psychology: Brain)

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Robert Fuller: 6 Reasons You Can't Win (And 3 Reasons You Can Anyway) Our notion of selfhood is misconceived.
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Rob Kall: Positive Psychology-- Promising a Better Humanity Positive Psychology aims to explore the positive aspects of being human-- happiness, well-being, compassion, awe, kindness, love, civility-- and it uses some languaging, like savoring, elevation, broaden and build, eudaemonia.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Why Learn Neuroscience? A student asked me why she needed to know neuroscience. Here is my answer. I argue that science is the new story with which we must contend. If we do not know the contemporary stories of science, they will be used against us. The actual stories being told today about the brain are quite uplifting, full of hope. They include neuroplasticity and epigenetics. If we know these stories we can fight against bad neuroscience.

Joan Brunwasser: Part Two: Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" It isn't the answer to all of life's problems,but my research shows it allows you to break free from the concern that challenge is dangerous(because you might not be smart enough to pull it off),that effort is undermining(because smart people don't need so much effort), and that a setback would be devastating(because it will publicly reveal your limited ability).These shrink our world, growth mindset offers a larger one.

Joan Brunwasser: Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" My most compelling story relates to what happened when we introduced the growth mindset to adolescents. We taught them that the brain is like a muscle that grows with exercise. We also taught them that, every time they stretch themselves to learn something new, their brain grows new connections and, over time, they can get smarter. It was like a lightning bolt struck. One of the boys said, "You mean I don't have to be dumb?"

Rick Hanson PH.D.: The Self-Transforming Brain; Excerpt from Buddha's Brain; The practical neuroscience of happiness, love and wisdom What flows through your mind sculpts your brain. Thus, you can use your mind to change your brain for the better--which will benefit your whole being, and every other person whose life you touch. This book aims to show you how. You'll learn what the brain is doing when the mind is happy, loving, and wise.
Thomas Budzynski: Tuning In On The Twilight Zone FOR A BRIEF TIME as we lie in bed at night, neither fully awake nor yet asleep, we pass through a twilight mental zone that Arthur Koestler has described as a state of reverie. Many people associate this drowsy stage with hallucinatory images, more fleeting and disjointed than dreams, and compare it to the viewing of a speeded-up, jerky series of photographic slides. A host of artists and scientists have credited the...

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