8-trapezius and cervical paraspinals-pull head back for laughter, sighs of contempt, breaths of sweetness.
9-diaphragm- belly laughing
10-arms and hands- hilarious waving
Aggression, Anger and Rage Muscles
1-corrugator-anger, anguish-- pulls eyebrows down
2-Orbicularis Oculi Palpabraeous superior and inferior-- contempt , squints or narrows eyes
3-Masseter- clenched jaw of restrained anger
4-triangularis -complementary of aggressive passions, pulls lower lip out to help form contemptuous face
5-procerus nasi--aggression, frown; lowers, furrows forehead, creates the scowl
6-quadratus labii inferioris-- lowers lower lip
7-Platysma- intensifier-- pulls lower lips down and back, helps show teeth
8-sternocleidomastoid-- pulls head towards chest or tightens neck.
Fear and Sadness muscles
1-Frontalis- muscle of attention
2-palpebralis superior and inferior, muscle of contempt and complementary muscle of weeping.
3-labii superioris moderate weeping or grief, whimpering. This muscle lifts the upper lip. It seems to act as an intensifier for many feelings.