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#1 6/1/2015 Guia De La Anatomia De Experiencias Positivias (Rob Kall) Este es un esquema minimo de la modelo que he desarrollado desde 1984, basada en la creencia de que las experiencias positivas (PEs) son nuestros bienes personales más valiosos y los recursos internos, por lo que las habilidades en tener PEs son la caracterstica clave.Esta anatoma de experiencias positivas rompe experiencias positivas temporalmente, para identificar aspectos de habilidades que se pueden desarrollar
#2 6/1/2015 Anatomy of Positive Experience: Brief Outline (Rob Kall) This is a minimal outline of the model I have developed since 1984 based on the belief that positive experiences are our most valued personal assets and inner resources, so skills in having positive experiences are the key ability. This anatomy of positive experiences breaks down positive experiences temporally, to identify skill aspects that can be developed.
#3 5/29/2015 My Early Days in Positive Psychology-- 1981-present (Rob Kall) a bit of history on my different dives in the worlds of Positive Psychology.
#4 5/29/2015 Expand Your Happiness and Pleasure Vocabulary: OMG? How Do YOU Say Something, Some Experience is Amazing, Awesome? (Rob Kall) There are words, like those I used in the title-- Amazing, Awesome, Incredible -- but there are a lot more great words, and then... there are personal utterances-- and actions and movements. What do you do? What examples from movies or video are really great?
#5 5/25/2015 Smile Anatomy: Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training (Rob Kall) This chapter describes how conventional relaxation biofeedback, and zygomaticus biofeedback training paradigms can be readily integrated into an emotional self regulation model for optimizing the individual's capacity and ability to make the most of positive experience opportunities and to maximize positive affect and attitude.
#6 5/24/2015 Awe is a Bottom-up Experience (Rob Kall) Awe may be one ingredient that helps people be more caring and empathetic towards others.1 1 Comment Count
#7 5/4/2015 Visions of a Positive Future vs Fixing a Pathological Present (Rob Kall) it is not enough to resist the system and the problems that exist. It is absolutely inadequate to aim for repairing the symptoms of what is broken. We need big, positive visions which lift our sights higher, towards horizons where there are bright futures, not scotch tape and bubblegum fixes for the pathological system we currently inhabit.
#8 1/22/2015 6 Reasons You Can't Win (And 3 Reasons You Can Anyway) (Robert Fuller) Our notion of selfhood is misconceived.
#9 12/19/2014 Finding Magic in a Muggle World (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) What is magic in a muggle world? We recently conducted a workshop to explore that question. First, what arose was the idea our thoughts could influence the future to which we are headed. What if our visualizations could change the direction in which we are headed. What is really magic is the power we have to influence others. We have power to uplift. We have power to give hope when there is none. This is real magic.
#10 11/18/2014 Building a Racially Just Society: Psychological Insights (Roy Eidelson) Michael Brown's tragic death, the anguish of his family, and the turmoil in Ferguson, Missouri, are all salient reminders that the longstanding and seemingly intractable realities of unequal treatment, circumstance, and opportunity for African Americans -- and for other communities of color -- pose a difficult yet increasingly urgent challenge.
#11 5/27/2014 How we treat is more important than the treatment! (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) The way we relate to people is more important than what we do in both medicine and psychiatry. Randomized, clinical trials of the drug, citalopram, for geriatric depression, for example, showed that where a patient got treated mattered more than what drug they received. The response rate to citalopram varied from 16% to 82% among 15 hospitals. The time is nigh to improve the human elements in what we do be more helpful.
#12 5/12/2014 The Healthy Opposite of the Psychopathic Spectrum Is the Relatedness Spectrum (Thomas Farrell) In an article published at on May 12, 2014, Rob Kall asks, "What is the opposite of the psychopathic spectrum?" The healthy opposite of the psychopathic spectrum is the relatedness spectrum. But a more extreme opposite is possible, and it is unhealthy.
#13 5/12/2014 What is the Opposite of Psychopathy? (Rob Kall) There's a psychopathic continuum from full-blown psychopath, having all the traits and characteristics, to some characteristics to having a few. Perhaps we should consider the full spectrum-- all the way to people who are the most opposite of psychopathic. What would such a spectrum look like? What would all the traits, characteristics and parameters look like, all the way to the most positive aspects of being human.
#14 3/13/2014 Is Nonviolence Effective? (Mikhail Lyubansky) The evidence for the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance is mounting. In the past 100 years, nonviolent campaigns were nearly twice as likely to achieve full or partial success as were violent campaigns and the advantage for nonviolent campaigns held even when controlling for the authoritarianism of the regime.
#15 6/12/2013 Goose Walk in Single File; A moment to Spontaneously Pause (Rob Kall) I went out to my car this morning and, as I looked behind me to pull out, this is what I saw. You can see a bit of my car in the bottom left of the photo. There was this long single-file row of Canadian geese and goslings.
#16 6/5/2013 Finding Inner Longitude (Peter Michaelson) A growing number of scientists believe that psychiatry needs an entirely new paradigm for understanding mental and emotional health, though they can't say what that new knowledge and system would look like. Here's something for them and all of us to consider.
#17 4/29/2013 Achieving Inner Freedom (Peter Michaelson) People who have achieved substantial political freedom can still be sorely lacking in psychological freedom. We're likely to feel like prisoners of fate when emotional conflicts limit our creativity and potential.
#18 4/22/2013 To Do and Not To Be (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I reflect upon the importance of doing, what is called behavioral activation. In order to change, we need to do things differently, and not just think about doing things differently. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has supported a narrative which tells us that we do not have to make an effort to change our behavior, so people who are depressed or anxious don't believe they need to do anything. We need to change this.
#19 3/10/2013 Turning Chaos Into Opportunity; Facing Adversity, Problems and Flaws (Rob Kall) An excerpt from my book, the Happiness Response. adversity is programmed into life--it's part of growing up, of parenting, of aging and dying. For example, when young children die, their parents suffer great pain, desolation and anguish. But the human mind and spirit have the strength to recover from tremendous devastation. We are biologically and spiritually endowed with resources unknown to us until we need them.
#20 8/15/2012 Cynicism: More Dangerous than Psychopathology (C. S. Herrman) Cynicism is no less addictive for those disposed to it than gambling or drugs. Normals are perfectly capable of cynicism that is more damaging than the hard core variation for the reason that, whereas there is but a handful of militant psychopaths, there are many millions who manage to achieve, however inadvertently, far more damage to society than the collected sprees of all the available psychopaths combined.
#21 6/24/2012 Healing the Planet as Healing Ourselves (Burl Hall) The world of cement and a deteriorating planet is due to our creating a mirror image of our own minds. In order to heal the planet and create a healthy world for future generations, we need to heal ourselves. This means tackling all layers of our world, our educational systems, our internal ways of looking at life (i.e., dualism), and how we intereact with our loved ones.
#22 5/20/2012 Narrative Concepts (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) I attempt to say what a narrative is. It is a telling of something to someone by someone. It may reflect the basic means by which our brains work, the result of a co-evolution of brain and story to allow us to recall the myriad of details necessary for negotiating a social life with the 500 people whom we are capable of knowing. Its shortest form consists of two action clauses that can be sequenced and one orienting clause.
#23 11/24/2011 The Problem with Positive Psychology (Peter Michaelson) Superficial psychology is an enemy of progress. We have to see deeper into human nature, and overcome our own emotional weaknesses, if we are going to prevail in the political struggle to save and enhance our democracy.
#24 10/2/2011 Excerpt from Coyote Wisdom Chapter 10 (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) This excerpt tells the story of my work with Tiffany, a young woman with cancer who was from the Christian faith and how we used Meister Eckhart as a way to bridge my Native American philosophies with Christianity to create a healing dialogue throughout the course of her cancer. this seems like an important story to me because it shows how we can create healing (meaning and purpose) even when the patient dies.
#25 8/11/2011 The Psychology of Activism (Justin Cottam) Pychology of activism, and a discussion of the shadow - psychology of Activism
#26 7/27/2011 Positive Psychology-- Promising a Better Humanity (Rob Kall) Positive Psychology aims to explore the positive aspects of being human-- happiness, well-being, compassion, awe, kindness, love, civility-- and it uses some languaging, like savoring, elevation, broaden and build, eudaemonia.
#27 6/8/2011 Study Finds Smiling Men are Less Attractive to Women (Mikhail Lyubansky) A new study suggests that smiling is seen as sexually attractive on women but not on men. The findings explain some enduring widely-believed phenomena and raise interesting questions about inter-racial attraction.
#28 5/17/2011 Beauty May Be In Eye of Beholder But Eyes See What Culture Socializes (Mikhail Lyubansky) Kanazawa's claims aside, there is no single "objective" standard of beauty. The adage that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is incomplete. Sure, there are individual differences. The point is that there are also group differences, not in attractiveness (as Kanazawa claims), but in cultural messages about what is and is not attractive.
#29 3/26/2011 The Dark Side of "Comprehensive Soldier Fitness" (Roy Eidelson, Marc Pilisuk, And Stephen Soldz) Why is the world's largest organization of psychologists so aggressively promoting a new, massive, and untested military program? The APA's enthusiasm for mandatory "resilience training" for all U.S. soldiers is troubling on many counts.
#30 3/10/2011 Coyotes and Reclaiming Indigenous Knowledge (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) Three of us from Coyote Institute have journeyed to Australia to consult with a local aboriginal group on how to incorporate local culture into their health care and other services. This is the first in a series of daily blogs about the trip. I begin by wondering about coyote as a symbolic muse, an animal who lives at the margin and is currently expanding its territory. We discuss templates for the expression of pain.

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