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For Tag "Heroes"
(Top > Society-Culture > Character And Values: Heroes)

Rob Kall: On Being Brave, Having Courage Today, a researcher interviewed me. He was looking for people who thought they were brave. Well, in some ways, I've considered myself to be a coward, but then, others have told me I have big cojones, so I volunteered. It was an interesting conversation that got me thinking more about bravery and courage.
Rob Kall: Choosing: Courage or Fear, Heroes or Traitors We live in times when stark choices confront us. There are those who would have us live our lives based on fear, based on loyalty to "things" and entities that do not serve humanity, that do not serve a positive future. But the other choice is a vision of a glowing, positive, hopeful tomorrow that brings light, peace, growth, cooperation and blessings to humanity. There are threads of that vision out there.

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