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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Excerpt from Coyote Wisdom Chapter 10 This excerpt tells the story of my work with Tiffany, a young woman with cancer who was from the Christian faith and how we used Meister Eckhart as a way to bridge my Native American philosophies with Christianity to create a healing dialogue throughout the course of her cancer. this seems like an important story to me because it shows how we can create healing (meaning and purpose) even when the patient dies.

Gary Groesbeck: Integral Awakened Mind Coachingâ„¢ Expanding Anna Wise's Awakened Mind protocol into Ken Wilber's Integral Theory(AQUAL)
Grant Lawrence: The Bodhisattva's Vow: Moving Past the Prison of the 'Self' The Bodhisattva, to me, is a state of being and not a concept that is owned by any particular religion or sect. Rather,"What makes someone a Bodhisattva is her or his dedication to the ultimate welfare of other beings, as expressed in the prayer: 'May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings'."

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