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#1 What is the Opposite of Psychopathy?
by Rob Kall (2) (5/12/2014)
#2 Beauty May Be In Eye of Beholder But Eyes See What Culture Socializes
by Mikhail Lyubansky (1) (5/17/2011)
#3 Part Two: Renowned Stanford Psychologist Carol Dweck on "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success"
by Joan Brunwasser (1) (7/25/2010)
#4 Achieving Inner Freedom
by Peter Michaelson (1) (4/29/2013)
#5 Book Review The LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch
by Rob Kall (1) (4/21/2008)
#6 "You can do anything you set your mind to" Vs "Stick to your strengths"
by Warren Davies (1) (10/2/2009)
#7 The Psychology of Empathy
by Saberi Roy (1) (8/15/2010)
#8 Excerpt from Coyote Wisdom Chapter 10
by Lewis Mehl-Madrona (1) (10/2/2011)
#9 The Psychology of Activism
by justin cottam (1) (8/11/2011)