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For Tag "Feelings"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Mental Health: Feelings)

Saberi Roy: The Psychology of Empathy Describing empathy and delineating the stages of empathy along with the theoretical and therapeutic implications

Rick Hanson PH.D.: The Self-Transforming Brain; Excerpt from Buddha's Brain; The practical neuroscience of happiness, love and wisdom What flows through your mind sculpts your brain. Thus, you can use your mind to change your brain for the better--which will benefit your whole being, and every other person whose life you touch. This book aims to show you how. You'll learn what the brain is doing when the mind is happy, loving, and wise.

Rob Kall: Smile Anatomy: Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training an overview of the use of smile muscle training, smile biofeedback and a discussion of a number of the facial muscles involved in authentic and inauthentic smiling, plus discussion of smile psychomotor retardation-- people who have a hard time smiling and feeling good feelings

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