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For Tag "Wisdom"
(Top > Reference > Ideas - Philosophy: Wisdom)

Burl Hall: Healing the Planet as Healing Ourselves The world of cement and a deteriorating planet is due to our creating a mirror image of our own minds. In order to heal the planet and create a healthy world for future generations, we need to heal ourselves. This means tackling all layers of our world, our educational systems, our internal ways of looking at life (i.e., dualism), and how we intereact with our loved ones.
Rob Kall: Book Review The LAST LECTURE by Randy Pausch The first and only book that made me cry through half the chapters. Randy Pausch is dying of cancer. As is traditional at many universities, he gave a "last lecture" which is usually given by elder, retiring professors. But Pausch's last lecture because an internet youtube phenomenon. And now, after a book he did is out, it is a huge, runaway bestseller, so hot, they literally can't keep the books in stock in bookstores.
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Rob Kall: Tools for Warming the Heart-- and Having a Happier Holiday this has zero to do with politics... It's some wisdom I've gleaned from the Positive Psychology hat I've worn the past 25 years

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